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March 19, 2008

Big Name Companies Using Ruby on Rails

Woke up this morning to the following email request from the CTO of one of Hashrocket's big, important clients:

Can you give me a list of big name firms that you know are using Ruby on Rails for major projects. Need it by this afternoon for an important meeting with top management.

I scrambled together a response, including some advice from folks that responded to my query on Twitter (thx!) After some reflection, I realized that it would make a good informative blog post.

First of all, lots of people pointed me to http://www.workingwithrails.com/high-profile-organisations, which lists the following firms:

Sing ♫ one of these firms is not like the other ♫ while you're reading :)

  • amazon.com
  • BBC
  • CapGemini
  • BPN
  • Cisco
  • C|Net
  • EA (Electronic Arts)
  • IBM
  • JP Morgan
  • NASA
  • Oakley
  • Oracle
  • Siemens
  • ♫ ThoughtWorks ♫
  • Yahoo!

In addition to the list above, there's a number of companies where I have direct, or reliably indirect knowledge of Rails adoption through my friends and associates:

  • John Deere
  • New York Times
  • NBC
  • Barclays
  • LA Times
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Orbitz
  • Google
  • Turner Media
  • Limewire

For good measure, I also mentioned http://rails100.pbwiki.com/, which tracks high-traffic consumer-facing websites that corporate-types won't necessarily recognize by name, but that for sure handle millions and millions of visits per day. The top ten list on that page (and corresponding Alexa rankings):

  • twitter.com [642 !!?! I thought it would be higher]

  • scribd.com [940]

  • blingee.com [1170]

  • yellowpages.com [1734]

  • penny-arcade.com [2069]

  • 43things.com [4190]

  • kongregate.com [4488]

  • pitchforkmedia.com [4740]

  • projectpath.com [5041 One of the Basecamp hostnames]

  • funnyordie.com [5089]

What big-name companies do you know about where Ruby on Rails is gaining traction and adoption from the grassroots level on up?

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