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February 26, 2009

Corey Haines and RMM at Hashrocket

Corey Haines at Hashrocket / RMM from Hashrocket on Vimeo.

Join us in welcoming Corey Haines (aka The Software Journeyman) to Hashrocket for some pair programing with Stephen Caudill. Corey Haines travels around the country pair programming with whoever will feed him a scrumptious vegetarian meal and give him a spot to put his air mattress.

In the video, Corey arrives at Hashrocket (accompanied by Cory Foy) and introduces himself to the team. Then Obie, Corey and crew proceed to discuss software craftmanship and the project that Corey and Stephen will be working on for the duration of the week: RMM - the Rails Maturity Model application. A great conversation ensues that really hits home on what RMM is all about.

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