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July 12, 2010

What Is the Rails Way (To You)?

Back in 2007 as I was finishing the first edition of The Rails Way, I asked you to send me your thoughts on the meaning of the "rails way." I incorporated most of your responses into the book's Afterword, introducing it with the following paragraph:

I love the Ruby community. It’s vibrant, witty, and smart. Truly, our community is one of the best aspects of working with Rails and no small part of its success. As I was nearing completion of this book, I felt a strong urge to include the community in whatever way possible, to give readers a taste of what it’s like, and then it hit me. We all know that there is a Rails way, and yet it is an intensely personal experience, subject to interpretation and joyful exposition. What better way to end the book than with a collection of your thoughts!

Well, it's that time again. The Rails 3 Way is almost finished and I'd like to update the Afterword with new content culled from a much larger and diverse generation of Rails fanatics. Send me your thoughts, poetry, quips... whatever gets the idea across:

What Is the Rails Way (To You)?

Please make sure to get your submission in before July 31 to ensure consideration for the new edition. Thanks!

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