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December 15, 2010

Fiverr Madness

My Fiverr.com gig is to give aspiring web entrepreneurs feedback on their "web startup idea" and I am featured in the Business category. I get a sale about every other day, on average.

However, I find myself doing these gigs mostly for the entertainment value. Since starting, I've earned $176 in about 3 months with 65 transactions. To put that amount in perspective, it's less than I bill clients for one hour of my time at Hashrocket. In other words, if I can't finish a Fiverr job in less than a few minutes, it's literally not worth my time.

Most of the buyers are earnest and sound at least somewhat intelligent, so I have no trouble giving them positive or negative criticism. My positive feedback (meaning satisfied customers) rating is 97%, so the vast majority of them are happy with the interaction. However, every once in awhile I am subjected to a client that just makes my head want to explode.

Since I didn't get paid for the following transaction and my gig has no confidentiality terms, I've turned it into cheap blog fodder. Even accounting for language and cultural barriers and giving her the benefit of the doubt, I still think this person is hysterical... but judge for yourself: (italics mine throughout)


Greetings Obie, 

Please be very critical of my idea and website.

Start an eBizs. Get Paid Daily! Choose from 23 eBizs & eAudios. Start working in one hour. Get paid in 24-hours! Make $10 to $50 hourly! Guaranteed!

My goal is to advertise my site on TV, cable an radio. (Start an eBizs. Get paid daily. Never worry about money again.)

[Link redacted since I don't want to send her traffic. -Obie]

My monthly advertising budget is $5000. I can get about 200 cable commercials for that rate. I guarantee all my business eBooks and eAudios. Most importantly, Obie, does my website make you want to take ACTION?

Thank you, Sally


1) What is an "eBizs" or "eAudios" 

2) I am immediately skeptical of anything that guarantees $10-50 hourly rates. Can you guarantee that rate to disabled/incompetent respondents? 

3) Your website did make me want to take ACTION: Run away as quickly as possible! :)

Overall, it feels like a scam to me. How is it not?


Wow! Thanks for your overview. You can download eBizs (like landscaping) and start working within one hour and get paid tomorrow. Each eBizs shows you in five simple steps how to create an income with minimal skills.

You can try two types of eBizs for free and if you're happy, you can buy one of the 23 eBizs for $9.95. We can't make someone actually work and we provide a 100% guarantee. We also have tons of testimonials you can contact.

I guess our site isn't effective? I've had tons of people love our new site. But, you're the professional.


After she declined my mutual cancellation proposal...


Howdy Obie,

I'm a prolific author and I wanted to create tools (books) that can help people start a business quickly. My books are very comprehensive and are from 200 pages to 600 pages long. I also offer business audios to help people as well.

I provide two free eBooks so people can see how comprehensive they are for free. I'm 100% into people becoming sustainable and responsible for self.

I also give away thousands of my business tools to homeless women in shelters and prisons. [WTF? -Obie]

Running a business is easy for me--and I make it easy for others.

You did your job and I don't mind paying you. I appreciate your kind feedback. Some of my books have taken me years to write, like my Tantra Coach Book is over 500 pages and I've taught Ipsalu Tantra for 15 years. So, I'm very proud of my books. Maybe my site isn't clear enough.

By the way. There are many books like mine on the market. Whats wrong with business start up books?

Smiling, Sally


Wishing the best of continued success, Sally. Your submission isn't a web startup idea so I must request cancellation.


Hi Obie,

I wanted to say thank you for your kindness and honesty. We are making changes to our site. Even though our site has sold over 50,000 Quick Business Book--your kind insight helped. I always take criticism in a positive proactive way!

I'm sorry you hated our site... we have found some great people on Fiverr that we have hired. We would had paid you up to $2000 to help us correct our vision. But, since you hated us--we will find someone else.

Keep making the world a better place! Sally

Is there something I'm missing here?

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