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March 14, 2012

Seeking iOS Expert

I'm so dumb sometimes. I was just in the kitchen making myself a sandwich and it hit me why I have such a mental block about hiring anyone to do remote iOS development for me: I don't know anything about it! But how to get past that? I don't have time to teach myself, it would take too long and my first few projects would be crap. Too risky.

Perhaps I should follow my own advice on the subject? D'oh! What I really need is an expert to come pair with me on building the iOS version of DueProps at my location.

The way I see it that buys me getting:

  • past the initial learning curve of iOS
  • an early version of the actual software that I'm happy with
  • more than a prayer of being able to maintain the thing myself afterwards

Now I just need to find my expert. Please email me if you are an expert iOS developer and willing to take a short-term contract (approx 1 week) onsite with me in Atlanta at DueProps HQ. Travel expenses covered and hourly rate commensurate with your experience level.

Alternatively, I'm also willing to barter time (and still pay for your travel expenses to my location). Meaning, if you are an iOS developer that needs help getting a Rails webapp up and running, I can trade my time for yours in exchange for a full or partial reduction in your rate.

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